- What Is the IAAS Local Committee? How to form a Local Committee?
Being a national network all universities are connected through local committees. Local committees are formed by enthusiastic members of are willing to join in IAAS Bangladesh.
- Improve your relationship with your university: To find interested students and get support from your university, your contact with your university staff is highly important.
- Inform your teachers/professors about IAAS: They could inform other students about your new local committee. They could also help you with contacts for internship places for the Exchange Program, for sponsorship or activities.
- Organize your first IAAS local event: Once you have found a small group of students, it will be easier to reach out to more people. Organize a ‘Welcome Event’: an information evening or an international evening in the university, where all students, faculty staff, deans and international officers are invited. Those evenings are ideal to get people excited about joining your committee.
- Formation of a local Committee (Criteria)
- The Executive Board shall consist of nine (11) members: President, Vice President, Treasurer, General Secretary, Organizing secretary, office secretary, and five (05) executive members.
- For general member, there should be at least 25 students who should be studying in different Agricultural or related Disciplines/Departments/Faculties.
- For Being advisor, there should be three (03) respected faculty or at least two (02) from different Agricultural or related Disciplines/Departments/Faculties.
- At least two programs (seminars/workshops/ competitions) should be organized within six (06) months of the formation of the committee.
- The committee must be approved by the university Higher authority/ Vice-chancellor/ Director of students (DSA) or organizations or welfare (DSW).
- The National Committee shall first approve orally for the formation of a Local Committee. After approving from university authority, based on the first 6-month club report, the local committee will get final approval by the national committee.
- The Local Committee shall be responsible for IAAS Bangladesh for all its activities.
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